Space Attack

About Space Attack

Space Attack, is a retro style singleplayer endless shooter game, currently being developed for Android devices. Currently the game is in Alpha and being heavily worked on to try and fine-tune mechanics and to give a smooth user-experience.

The concept of the game is simple, you play as a ship in a 2D top down environment and you have to shoot incoming ships and try to survive as long as possible.

As you progress the rounds will become more challenging; enemies will fly in faster. After the end of every game you are rewarded with points that you can spend on changing the look of the game or upgrading your ship.


The game is currently being developed on Unity version 2022.3.41f, although plans have been made to upgrade to Unity 6 when it releases in LTS. Space Attack is the first real game I have developed on Unity and the first game I have developed for a mobile platform.

With all things there come challenges, this game is no exception. One of the greater struggles that has been prominent is the balance between performance and quality, of course phones have a lot less powerful hardware than PCs.

The game is being tested on a phone that is 7 years old, doing this helps find out what is causing lag currently at the time of writing this the biggest issue for performance is the game's post-processing, although it runs at a solid 60FPS on a more average consumer phone, trying to optimise the game for hardware released in 2017, would mean a much greater performance boost for that device obviously, but would also give a noticeable boost on later generations of phones.


Currently the game is planned to release on the 1st of January 2025.

Game Content!

Here is some content from the game.


All music in the game is made in Beepbox, an online tool for sketching and sharing instrumental music. Here are songs that you can view and/or edit if you wish to do so, feel free to share any remixes on the Discord server, don't forget to @Daisy when posting.

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